Click on
these thumbnails for larger views.
We had
great difficulty in deciding how to show Cricket on this web
page. Every idea we had for painting her outfit seemed fantastic.
To give you an idea of the options available, each kit comes
with a portfolio of four beautiful posters, each showing Cricket
with a different outfit treatment. Instructions on how to achieve
each of these looks is included on each poster. Click on these
thumbnails to see what we mean.
We have had a lot of illegal knock-offs of our
kits sold in foreign countries.
Remember, Azimuth Design only sells directly to
the customer, not in stores. If your kit does not include
the Certificate of Authenticity below, with the
Raised Seal and personally-inked signature
of Mike James,
you do not own a Mike James original piece of art.
It takes a lot of time, skill and money to bring you these precious
girls. Please support creators, not thieves.
Contact us if you suspect illegal activity, or if you see a Mike
James kit or image being used for profit.
Copyright © 1997 Mike James, Azimuth Design
The Cricket character, in whole or in part, likenesses thereof, storyline and all related materials are copyrighted
and registered intellectual property of Azimuth Design. All rights reserved, in any media.